Calibration solutions

In the Weedness Online Growshop we offer you, in addition to many well-known fertilizer manufacturers, everything for pH regulation. The optimal pH value in the irrigation water is particularly important for the start of a plant cultivation, since the first mistakes can happen here. The water value itself is determined with the help of a pH or EC meter. In the rarest cases, the values of normal watering water are perfect, so the water value should always be determined as a precaution.

Only in this way is it possible to optimize plant cultivation and guarantee a high-yield harvest. The appropriate calibration liquid for the precise measurement of the water values we offer you of course also gladly in the store. The buffer solutions for the EC value is here at 12.88 and the pH calibration value at 4.01. 

The sample and test packs are already available from 20 ml in our store, which should also be enough for an optimal adjustment and calibration of a measuring device. For someone with more than one measuring device, the 300 ml pack from Growth Technology is a good choice. The optimal pH regulators can also be found in our Weedness Growshop! Store now and order all the fertilizers you need directly.

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